
How to talk about 5 common weaknesses in a job interview

How to talk about 5 common weaknesses in a job interview

If you’ve ever been to a job interview, there’s a good chance you’ve been asked ‘What’s your greatest weakness?’

Many of us struggle to answer this and end up pointing to something that’s not really a weakness, such as ‘I’m a perfectionist’ or ‘I work too hard.’ But it really pays to give a more honest and authentic answer.

“Hiring managers and recruiters ask the question ‘What is your weakness?’ to get a good grasp of whether you’re self-aware and committed to ongoing professional and personal development. No one wants to manage someone who thinks they’re perfect, so it’s always better to admit to weaknesses rather than pretending you don’t have any.

Here, we look at how to have an open, genuine discussion about five common weaknesses – and how to prove you’re working on them in a way that’ll impress your interviewer.

     1- I lack confidence

“Many people are more on the introverted side, and that’s not a problem unless you’re applying for a sales position that requires extensive networking and cold-calling. However, often introverts who are also quite shy lack confidence in an interview and when they start in a new role. If this is you, we recommends acknowledging, “That you’re more on the introvert side, as it shows that you’re self-aware.”

and  you can then continue to explain how this may shape the way you approach a new role by saying something like, ‘I’m an introvert, which means that I may be a bit more reserved when I start in a new position. I may not contribute as much in team meetings at first as I tend to sit back and listen until I’m comfortable with the team and the subject matter.’


    2- I have a fear of public speaking

A lot of people offer this as a weakness, but phrasing it in a different way can help you talk about it more personally. For example, ‘I haven’t had great exposure to speaking in front of large groups, but this is something I’m committed to improving over time.

You could then offer examples of how you’ve already started working to overcome this weakness, such as volunteering to deliver training or speak at smaller group gatherings to build confidence. 

      Hiring managers are also impressed by things you may be doing outside of work to improve a weakness, such as reading professional or personal development books, listening to podcasts, or – in the case of public speaking – joining a group to develop public speaking skills.


     3-   I can struggle to ask for help. 

Whether it comes from pride or an inability to let go of control, some of us can find it hard to admit when we need a hand at work. Being aware of this is one step, another is acknowledging it in an interview.

“You could provide an example of where you possibly went down the wrong path because you didn’t ask for help or spent too much time on something for fear of appearing ignorant. “You could then explain what you learned from this situation and how you applied these learnings since that time.”


    4- I have a hard time saying no 

Sometimes we overload ourselves by saying yes to every opportunity or request for help, out of a desire to be a team player or simply because we’re passionate about our work. 

If this sounds like you, talk about how you’re aware of this need to set boundaries and what you’re realistically capable of. You can then also talk about how you’ve taken measures to ensure that you’re managing or setting more realistic expectations for yourself, your co-workers and your manager. “More senior candidates can also mention how they have worked on their delegating skills to manage their workload whilst also developing more junior staff.



    5- I can be overly self-critical

This is one way to describe ‘perfectionist’ tendencies more authentically. Coach's suggests saying something like, ‘I have very high standards and put pressure on myself to deliver work of the highest quality. At times this means I can get stuck in the details and can also get frustrated when working with others who don’t have the same set of standards.’

“It’s then important to provide evidence of what you’re doing to overcome this weakness in your current role, such as taking a step back to look at the big picture and recognizing that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses that they bring to a team,” Coach's says.


Demonstrating that you are aware of your biggest weakness and that you are working to overcome it shows strength, self-awareness and maturity – all positive attributes employers are looking for. Making sure you are prepared for this question can help you leave a great impression at your next interview.

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